1. Business Strategy for a Digital World
This course consists of a selection of primary and secondary topics on business strategy in a digital age. It builds on and extends business strategy as historically taught and practised, and extends this to new business models and concepts, the impact so-called "expoonential" effects, and considerations of sustainability and the digital divide.
2. Digital Technology Fundamentals
This course introduces candidates to key concepts around the technologies which underpin what is termed the “digital revolution”. It provides a working knowledge of the current state of the art, taxonomy of the field; current and future applications of these technologies and anticipated medium term future developments. This course lays an important foundation for business people across all spheres of leadership and management who need to lead organisations into the future.
3. Marketing for Digital Business
This course explores the nature of the changing customer, changing ways of engaging customers and the implications for marketing in general and for digital e-marketing in particular.
4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Digital Business
This course is designed to equip the candidate with insight into how to drive innovation and entrepreneurship. It explores ways to facilitate and sustain intrapreneurship in larger, more established companies seeking to transform digitally, as well as for individuals or small enterprise entrepreneurs running innovative tech start-up ventures.
5. Digitalising Operations
This course introduces candidates to the fundamental concepts and tools to digitalise the operations of modern businesses. Digital operations management is not only about technology; it requires a holistic approach to transform operations, change existing business and operations models and train employees to leverage technology for greater
6. Digital Readiness, Transformation and Change Management
This course equips candidates to management digital transformation in business and government. It asserts that digital transformation as a new business strategy is inevitable and essential, and counteracts the view that digital transformation and preparedness in the 21st century is purely a technology or IT issue, and thus also emphasises the dimension of creating the right digital culture through change management.
7. Talent Management for Digital Business
This course introduces the candidate to key concepts in the field of digital talent management and provides them with an actionable approach to enhance digital talent management in their organisations. It explores, firstly, the core components of the digital talent management value chain and how to win in the on-going War for Talent. Secondly, the specific case of managing digital talent when operating in global and dynamic markets is covered. Thirdly, the course will provide candidates with some insights into managing their own digital careers effectively.
8. Customer Experience Management
This course provides candidates with an overview of digital customer experience management as defined as the quality of all a consumer’s encounters with a company’s products, services, and brand. The importance of digitally-enabled customer experiences rooted in operational excellence is the core focus of the course, emphasising that using digital technology as a basis for all customer experience can drive financial performance and growth in most businesses, not just digital-only brands.
9. Systems Thinking in the Digital Economy
This course provides candidates with an overview of systems thinking within digital environments that requires candidates to see and make connections between solutions, systems and society. It provides candidates with an integrative approach to systems thinking theory, complexity theory, design thinking and systems engineering.
10. Digital Business in Africa
This course introduces candidates to opportunities and challenges in implementing digital business initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. It assesses Africa as a competitive player in the global economy, and the relationship between various factors and institutions that impact on the economic development and the competiveness of countries, regions and firms.
Textbooks are available on www.mind-matters.co.za